My Investigations report on Noah

First I need to look over stories told by researchers and look over stories told by eyewitnesses. In my investigation I will answer the questions that came to my mind.


  1. Who built the Ark?
  2. How old were Noah’s sons when they started to build the ark?
  3. What was the true design of the ark?
  4. How many animals did Noah have to gather?
  5. How old was Noah at the time of the flood?
  6. How did they get on the ark?
  7. How did they get off the ark?
  8. Where did the ark come to rest?
  9. In what order were Noah’s sons born?
  10. Who was alive at the time of Noah?
  11. What was the time line from the beginning to the time of Noah?
  12. Is the ark a boat shape?
  13. Has the ark ever been found?
  14. Have eyewitnesses really seen the ark?
  15. Are the stories told by researchers the true story of Noah?

These are just some questions that need to be answered.

Going over the story told by researchers

Researchers tell us that Noah and his sons built the Ark and Noah was 500 years old when God told him about the flood. Noah was also told to build an ark to save him, his family, and two of every animal on earth. When Noah and his sons was building the Ark the towns people came to Noah and his sons and laughed and mocked Noah and his sons on building the ark when there was no river by them. Noah told them of the flood, but they did not believe him. Then it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and in the 7th month the ark came to rest around the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family were on the ark for 372 days and that is about it.

Now going over the sightings told by eyewitnesses and how they saw the ark and the location of the ark.

Now most of the sightings have been by others looking for the Ark on Mt. Ararat claiming to have seen the Ark and giving a design of the Ark as they have seen it. Like is it a boat shape or a retangler shape with the ark being in two pieces or the ark is locked in the rocks. It has also been said that the ark has a vent down the middle of the roof and they call it the air vent.

Now researchers have been going to Mt. Ararat for years. Some claim to have seen it and other claim not to see the ark. But there are a couple of things that bother me. First, is that out of all the eyewitnesses, no one can look at a photo or a map of Mt. Ararat and point to the location where they have seen the Ark. Second, after all these years and at different times of the year that no one has seen the Ark and taken photos of the Ark to show that they have indeed found the Ark.

Now one claim told by Ron Wyatt was that he has found Noah’s Ark, not up on Mt. Ararat, but away from Mt. Ararat. Now he claims the Ark is a boat shape and that there were anchor stones for the Ark. Now looking over his story and looking over the photos of his ark and the photos of the anchor stones, there was something that bothered me on this finding. For instance, Mr. Wyatt’s claim that the arc is in fact a boat shape. However, the Bible talks of an ark shape. An ark shape is a rectangular shape not a boat shape. Also, in the photos there was no door, no ramp around the boat shape, and there were no other levels. Only one level. There was no window now the anchor stone they claim this is for balancing the ark and they are from the ark for they show cross on the stone. Now there is one thing about that bothers me the religion did not use the cross symbol until Jesus was hung on the cross 2000 years after the flood. So why did they use crosses on the stones? So going over this, Ron Wyatt found a boat that is true, but he did not found Noah’s Ark.

Now going on the Bible

Now going over the story told in the Bible of Noah, I have found out a lot of things that was never told about Noah. I also found answers for the questions I was looking for. Noah was 500 years old when God told him the build the Ark. Noah received his first son when he was 500 years old and called him Ham. Noah was 501 years old when he received his other son and called him Japheth. Then Noah was 502 years old when he received his last son and called him Shem. Now looking over this, if Noah started to build the Ark when he was 500 years old, then Noah’s sons did not help him build the Ark. As we look over the story, it tells us the window that Noah made. Now if Noah built the Ark, why did it tell us the window in the Ark he has made? This is telling us that Noah only made the window in the ark and that is it. Now going over this new information we need to see who in fact built the Ark. So I looked over the story in the Bible and did a time line from the time of Adam and Eve to the time of Noah. After I did the time line, I found out that Noah’s father died 5 years before the flood, his grandfather died at the time of the flood. That Noah’s father, grandfather, brothers, and uncles, and even cousins helped Noah to build the Ark. Noah had to gather the animals and food and water for the long trip on the Ark. Now we look over the design of the Ark. I even did blueprints of the Ark as told in the Bible and the Ark was a retangler shape box with no vent on top of the Ark. The door was on the side of the ark, but also on the top level. The window of the ark was in the front or back of the ark. Now going over the print of the Ark as told in the Bible, we see that the door on the side of the Ark at about 32 to 36 ft from the bottom of the door to the bottom of the Ark. That puts the door at 32 to 36ft drop from the top level of the ark to the bottom of the ark. The window on the front or back of the Ark was about 42 ft from the bottom of the window the bottom of the ark. Now with the door of the ark being that high they had to build a ramp to get on the Ark but how did they get off the Ark? Going back over the story, I found out the date the rain stopped was May 26th. Also, there were more animals on the ark than we are told. The sort animals take on by twos male and females but that makes 2 males and 2 females for the total of 4 of ever sort animals. The bird of the air take on by 7 male and females that makes 14 of every kind of birds of the air. Now the clean best take on by 7 male and female that makes 14 of every clean best and the unclean beast take on by 2 male and female that makes 4 of every unclean beast. And going over the story we found out that the ark was at rest up on the Mt. Ararat when Noah send the dove out of the Ark. To see if the water was off the ground below the mountain, Noah was sending out a female dove. Now when we were doing research on the animals, Noah had to place the females on one side and the males on the other side. This was so that they did not procreate and for balance. Noah had to separate the animals for these reasons because one animal does not weigh the same unless another animal that is the same as that one. Now going over this new info, we now know the window was on the Female side of the Ark. That was on the left side for the Bible talks about the men in the Bible being on the right hand of God So that place the male animals on the right side of the ark.

Now looking over the dates in the story of Noah we found out that they was on the ark for the total of 378 days. And we found out that Noah’s birthday was March 1st and how we found this out. We know that Noah was 600 years old when the flood was upon the earth but in the 601 year on the 1st month and 1st day of the month Noah open the door of the Ark but this also tell us Noah’s birthday. Let us show you: Now it states in the Bible it said in the 601 year on the 1st month and the 1st day of the month, So we are in Noah’s time and that is what we are going on today from Noah’s time. Now if the Bible was still going on the time of the beginning it would have said in the 1661 year on the 1st month and 1 day of the month. But it did not say that and it was 1661 years from the beginning of time to the time of the flood and this is in the time we did to find out who was alive when Noah started to build the Ark. And we are the second breed of man and we start with Noah’s time so when it said in the 601 year and the 1 month and the 1st day of the month that is also Noah’s birthday. Now going over the story as told in the Bible we found out a lot of new info that was never told until now.

Now after looking over the story and finding out all the new info on Noah the thing we are told in the past was not true at all for the thing that researchers and other people tell us over the years about Noah and the flood was false. But going over the Bible we have found out the true story of Noah and the flood. Now we did studies on the animals and even the flood and here are some thing we found out: One the dove that Noah send out of the Ark in fact was a homing-pigeon and we did studies on this. The dove is the same as a pigeon and they even weigh the same and can fly a little at a time, but a homing pigeon is part of the dove family. The homing pigeon weighs only 1 pound and can fly 50 to 200 miles at a time and find it’s way back but a dove can not. So going over this info the dove that Noah send out of the Ark was in fact a homing pigeon. Now the flood. We live in a flood zone are selves and we get a lot of info on floods. Now when it rain a lot here the ground get very muddy and soft and we did test on heavy objects and look over then to see if there is a change in the surrounding of the object in the mud. The heavy the object the more it sunk in the mud. Now looking over the size of the Ark and the waters being on the earth for 150 days the earth was very muddy and very soft so when the ark rest in the 7th month the ark started to sink in the soft mud. So now we know that wherever the ark is the ark sunk in the mud and most of the ark in covered with the earth now.

The Ark design as told in the Bible

Now the Bible design of the ark:

The Bible said the ark was made out of gopher-wood and the ark was sealed within and without with pitch. Rooms within the ark with a window and a door on the side and then 2nd and 3rd lower levels that place the window and door on the top level.

The Ark is 300 cubits in length and 50 cubits in height and 30 cubits in with.

Now going over this design as told in the Bible the ark is and rectangular shape with a door on the side and the window on the front or back of the Ark and that is it no air vent no bow and not a boat.

Now looking over the story of Noah and see what it tells us about the location of the Ark.

In the Bible it said that the waters of the flood arose above the mountaintops about 22ft above the tops of mountains. And the ark rest in the 7th month but the other tops of mountains were not seen until the 10th month. And in the Bible it states that Noah sent the dove out of the Ark to see if the waters were gone of the ground. Now Noah’s Ark was at rest before Noah sent the dove out by going on the dates as told in the Bible. So if the Ark was at rest, why did Noah send the dove out of the Ark? The waters were gone from on top of the mountains, but the water was still on the lower ground. Now after the dove came back the second time to Noah, it had an olive leaf in its mouth. Now the waters were off the lower ground and then in the 1st month and the 1day of the month and Noah open the door of the Ark and look at the ground below and seen the earth was dry.

Now going over this we know that the Ark has to be up on the highest peak of the mountain and the Bible talks about the Ark being in a high location. And we found out one more piece of info that stand out the ark is in a level location on the mountain so that Noah and all that was with him can still live on the ark until they can live the ark. When Noah opened the door, the door level was the same level as the ground. The door is on the top level that makes a 32 to 36ft. drop , but the Ark sank in the mud so the door being on the top level can be even with the ground. In the Bible it said Noah built an altar to God. It did not say Noah built a ramp for them to get off the ark.

Now going over this new info and looking over maps and photos we can only say that Mt. Ararat is the only location that the ark can come to rest as it is told in the Bible. Now we go back over the eyewitness accounts they claim the ark location is here or there on Mt. Ararat, but they can not show on maps or photos of where they saw the ark. Now did they see the Ark? They tell us the ark is on Mt. Ararat and said they have seen a rectangular shape ark with a air vent on top of the ark, but in the Bible there was no vent for air on the ark as told in the bible.

Now the Bible design of the ark did not have an air vent but eyewitnesses claim to have seen the vent on the roof. Looking over the story told by eyewitnesses and the story told in the Bible, there is something I have found out. There is more than one ark. This is why the water was on the earth for 150 days. In the story of Noah, it said after the 40th day, all that moved on the earth died. But what about above the water? It tells us that Noah survived, but it was not till after the 150 days that all that lived died except those that were on the ark with Noah. We also have to look at this too when looking for the Ark and this is also why the Bible gives us a full design of the Ark so we know which ark is Noah’s.

Now we look at photos of Mt. Ararat and to see how Noah and all the animals got down the mountain after the flood. Looking over photos of Mt. Ararat, there is no way they can get down safe because the mountain has slopes all around it, but one location - the Gorge. At one time the gorge was not there and before the gorge was made, this can be a safe way for them to get down the mountain.

Now it’s time to find the location

We looked over all the stories and the story told in the Bible and look at this from all angels. Doing a time line and looking over the design of the ark and going over the flood and location it’s time to look over photo taken over the years of Mt. Ararat and see if maybe at one point that some one has took a photo of the ark.

Now we can spend a lot of money and go over to Turkey and try to climb Mt. Ararat and try to look all over the mountain, but that can take years and cost a lot of money. However, if we had a location that would help out so we look over photos after photos of Mt. Ararat take at different times of the year and at different angles. There is snow on Mt. Ararat most of the time so we need to look at the photo in a different view to be able to see all of the outlines and the surrounding to see if the Ark is there. So instead of looking at the photos and looking over all the snow we took the photos and made negative out of them so we may see what is on the photo. And we came across a photo that was send to use back in 1997 the photo was taken in 1970’s and it was a photo of Mt. Ararat and the gorge the photo was taken from the bottom of the mountain. So we made a negative of the photo and then looking over it with a magnifying glass and just above the gorge on the left side of the lava flow, there was an ark like object locked in the rocks with the front looking like a house. We zoomed in on this location. There it was this Ark like object locked in the rocks. We looked over the photo and then matched it to the design of the Ark told in the Bible. It matched, but with one side of the ark gone, the left side. Looking over the photo we have found the door of the Ark on the top level and on the side as told in the Bible. Going over our research on how the ark rested and how the ark sunk in the mud, it all fits. There was no vent on top of the ark, just like the one in the Bible.

Now after looking over the photo and matching it to the design as told in the Bible, we now have that location. We were looking for but we need to see the Ark from a different angle to see if in fact it is the Ark of Noah or another ark or if it’s an ark at all.

Now in 2003 we got that answer we look over satellite photos and the satellite photo that McGiven took of his location of the Ark but he did not know that that photo had the top of the ark that we found in a photo from the 1970’s. So I zoom in on the top of the location of the Ark locked in the rocks. Now after we zoom in on the location we made another discovery the ark seen by eyewitness claiming they have seen the Ark with a vent down the middle of the roof. Now we have a real photo of the ark told by eyewitness. In the photo you can see it is a box shaped ark with the roof vent on top. It is piercing out of the snow. We found the ark told by eyewitness and we have the location. However, then we zoom in on the top of the location of the ark locked in the rock. The photo is fuzzy, but we can see there is something there. We look over the photo time and time again, and then one day we made a negative out of the photo. It was still fuzzy, but you can see more of the inside of the ark. It still was not enough evidence we needed, so it was back to analyzing the photo. Then I just said there is only one way we can see the true inside of the ark in the photo is to emboss the photo this way we can see the true outline of the inside. After we did this, then we knew that yes, we found the Ark of Noah. The embossed photo shows a room on the top level, a ladder going from the top level to a lower level. There are rooms on the second level and rooms a door way on the lower level. On the side of the ark, the door laying open and laying on the ledge from the ark to the rocks and the brake in the ark along the roof line you can see it is man made and you can see the inside of the ark. Going over my investigation and matching it to the story told in the Bible and going over the research on the Ark, we did it. We have found the one and true Noah’s Ark as told in the Bible. In our investigation, we have found out the true story of Noah and found out a lot of new information. We even found other arks at rest on Mt. Ararat and we have also found the Ark told by George Hagopian and have real photos of his ark that he has found at rest on Mt. Ararat.


For years we are told about the story of Noah and the Ark and over the years people and research said they have seen the Ark, but there was no photos of the Ark. Now today with no photos of the ark that researchers are now telling us there is no Ark and the story of Noah told in the Bible is false and that the bible is nothing but a fantasy, and people believe that. Just because you can not see it don’t mean it’s not real and this is why I am out to prove that the Bible is fact. The Bible is man’s true history. Now in my investigation, not only have I found the Ark of Noah, but I also found the other arks that did not survive the flood. Even back then, whether you think so or not, but even they believed in God. They also built arks like Noah to save themselves from the flood, but they did not have the time and help like Noah did. They had the time to build the arks, but they did not have the time to gather the food and water they needed to stay alive like Noah did.

So is the story of Noah is true or false? The story of Noah is true. Is the Ark on Mt. Ararat? Yes, the Ark is there at rest just above the gorge locked in the rocks about 14,000 ft. Can you see the Ark from the bottom of Mt. Ararat? Yes, you can see the Ark from the bottom of Mt. Ararat on the left side of the lava flow. In my investigation, I can say the Ark is on Mt. Ararat at rest about 14,000ft above the gorge, locked in the rock and yes the story of Noah as told in the Bible is FACT.

We have the proof and the evidence and the photos to prove it.

Investigation done by:

Leroy Blevins Sr.

Drawings done by:

Leroy Blevins Sr.

Photos analyzed by:

Leroy Blevins Sr.

Research on the story of Noah done by:

Leroy Blevins Sr.

Story done by:

Leroy Blevins Sr.

Tracy Blevins

Report done by:

Leroy Blevins Sr.

Tracy Blevins

All research and investigation is based on true fact and no photo has been altered in anyway. All photos of the ark of Noah and other arks are the real photos of the Ark on Mt. Ararat.


Now looking at the story in the Bible and looking over the research and the time line I found out that Noah’s sons did not help building the Ark. Now Noah had a big job to do for God so who help Noah to build the ark? So now it’s back to the Bible and look for more clues and keys.

So we also need to do a time line from the beginning of time to the time of Noah so we know who was alive at the time that Noah started to build the ark. And so we start the time line with Adam and see how old he was at the time of the birth of his son and his grandson and so on

The time line from Adam to the time of Noah.

Adam lived for 930 years and now Adam age at the time of the birth of his descendents.

Adam lived for 930 years

130 years- Seth

235 years- E-nos

330 years- Ca-I-nan

400 years- Ma-hal-a-leel

465 years- Jar-ed

627 years-E-noch

692 years- Me-thu-se-lah

879 years- La-mech

And Adam died 131 years before Noah was born.

Seth lived for 912 years

105 years- E-nos

200 years-Ca-I-nan

270 years- Ma-hal-a-leel

335 years- Jar-ed

497 years- E-noch

562 years- Me-thu-se-lah

759 years- La-mech

And Seth died 29 years before Noah was born

E-nos lived for 905 years

95 years- Ca-I-nan

165 years- Ma-hal-a-leel

230 years- Jar-ed

392 years- E-noch

457 years- Me-thu-se-lah

644 years- La-mech

829 years- Noah

Ca-I-nan lived for 910 years

70 years- Ma-hal-a-leel

135 years- Jar-ed

297 years- E-noch

362 years- Me-thu-se-lah

549 years- La-mech

731 years- Noah

Ma-hal-a-leel lived for 895 years

65 years- Jar-ed

227 years- E-noch

292 years- Me-thu-se-lah

479 years-La-mech

661 years- Noah

Jar-ed lived for 962 years

162 years- E-noch

227 years- Me-thu-se-lah

414 years- La-mech

596 years- Noah

E-noch lived for 365 years

65 years- Me-thu-se-lah

252 years- La-mech

And E-noch died 69 years before Noah was born

Me-thu-se-lah lived for 969 years

187 years-La-mech

369 years-Noah

La-mech lived for 777 years

182 years- Noah


Now Noah’s time

Now looking over the time line there was more men born but in the Bible only tells us the name of the first born. Now going over the time line to see who was alive at the time of Noah and the time when he started to build the ark and the time of the flood. Now in the Bible it said that Noah had brothers and sister. And looking over the fathers at the time line I found out that Noah’s father was 682 years old when the ark was started and he died 5 years before the flood. Now Noah’s grandfather was 869 years old when Noah started the ark and he died at the time of the flood.

Now looking over the time line and know that Noah’s father and grandfather was alive at the time the ark was started and they was men of God as well. And that Noah also had brothers and cousins, and uncles and with his father and grandfather and that is who build the Ark and Noah only made the window in the ark. But there is more to this time line. This is also another thing that backs up my finding on Noah’s birthday. Now Adam lived for 930 years and he died 131 years before Noah was born and you put them together.

930 years

131 years

1061 years

Now it was 600 years when Noah was born to the time of the flood now we add that to the time.

1061 years

600 years

1661 years

Now in the Bible it state in the 601 year on the first month and the first day of the month.

So you see we start our time with Noah and he was 600 years old at the time of the flood and the flood was over in the 601 year. So see on that first month and that first day of that month is Noah’s birthday.

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